Best 10 Unique Natural things that will Amaze you.

Nature is a precious gift from god. Many things in nature are quite different and also are insight of earth. There are many things about nature that we do not know, which are beyond our imagination. The earth has its own secrets hidden. We have seen in many movies like Indiana jones, National treasure, the mummy where there is exploration, adventure of earth, and hidden mysteries of earth.

Certain phenomena in nature are mysterious and beyond any man's theories or understandings. Nature is full of surprises, but these are truly extraordinary. Some aspects of nature are difficult to understand.

So here are 10 unusual natural event that continue to puzzle scientists.

1. Rainbow tree

These Rainbow Trees are found in the place of kalua, in Hawaii. It belongs to the genus Eucalyptus. It's a tall tree that's also known as the rainbow eucalyptus. It is the only Eucalyptus species with a natural range that reaches into the northern hemisphere, and it is one of only four eucalypt species out of over seven hundred that does not occur in Australia. It is distinguished by its multicolored bark. It has smooth, orange-colored bark that sheds in strips to display streaks of pale green, red, orange, grey, and purplish brown. As a result, it is known as the rainbow tree, and it is genuinely stunning!!


2.  Sunken forest

Lake Kaindy is a 400-meter (1,300-foot) long lake in Kazakhstan nestled in the mountains. A massive limestone landslide caused by the 1911 Kebin earthquake created a natural dam, which formed the lake. It was filled with mountain river water and blocked the gorge. Many trees still remain in the lake; the lake features submerged Picea schrenkiana tree trunks that extend above the water's surface. As a result, the area is sometimes referred to as a "sunken jungle." The lake's uniqueness derives from the fact that, after the creation of a natural dam that blocked the gorge, the water that filled the dam created the lake without destroying the spruce trees that grew along the river.

 3. Underground Waterfall

A cenote is a natural pit or sinkhole formed by the collapsing of limestone bedrock, exposing groundwater. The word is primarily identified with Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula, where cenotes were widely used by the ancient Maya for water sources and, on occasion, sacrificial offerings. Cenotes were important ritually to the ancient Maya because they were thought to be entrances to the underworld. Nature's creations are entirely random.


4. Pillar of lights

The pillar of lights is a unique sight witnessed in Russia. When people see multi-colored pillars of light in the sky, they are astounded by nature's miracle. A Russian Academy of Sciences member explained the phenomenon, "The air was humid and then the water started to crystallize. Basically, pieces of ice or snowflakes started to form in the air." The phenomenon occurs when ice crystals reflect light. The phenomenon is known as a sun pillar or solar pillar if the light comes from the Sun (usually when it is near or even below the horizon). The Moon or terrestrial sources, such as streetlights, may also trigger light pillars..


5. Glitter on the shore


A bright blue light appears as waves crash on the sandy shore or as bare feet walk into wet sand. This magical effect is caused by bioluminescent plankton, which is widespread in warm coastal waters. Vaadhoo Island in the Maldives is a natural wonder that draws visitors from all over the world to see the dazzling blue light on the beach. Many visitors visit to see the glittered water at night, which is impressive all the way. Few beaches in India have this blue glow.


6. Sailing stones

Sailing stones (also known as sliding rocks, walking rocks, rolling stones, and moving rocks) are a geological phenomenon that occurs when rocks pass and inscribe long tracks over a flat valley floor without the presence of animals. For decades, scientists have attempted to solve the mystery of the sailing stones. Some researchers speculated that dust devils could be responsible for the movement of the rocks, while others speculated that the powerful winds that constantly whip across the vast lake bed might cause the rocks to drift across the land. These and other theories were subsequently dismissed, leaving scientists in the dark. However, the mystery was eventually solved by scientist Ralph Lorenz. Sliding rock trails have been found and studied in a variety of places, including Little Bonnie Claire Playa in Nevada and, most notably, Racetrack Playa in Death Valley National Park, California, where the number and length of tracks are notable.


7. Northern Lights

The northern lights are shafts or curtains of coloured light visible in the night sky on occasion, and are one of several natural phenomena known as polar lights (aurora Polaris). Polar lights (aurora Polaris) are a natural phenomenon that can be absolutely incredible in both the northern and southern hemispheres. Colors and patterns are caused by the different forms of ions or atoms that are energised when they collide with the atmosphere and are influenced by magnetic force lines. Rippling curtains, pulsating globs, travelling pulses, and constant glows are all examples of displays. This is something that should be seen and experienced once in a lifetime. We have no idea how nature can surprise us!!

8. Caño Cristales River

Most of the time, this body of water appears normal — at least until it bursts into colour from July to November. Cao Cristales is a Colombian river that flows through Meta's Serrania de la Macarena province and is a tributary of the Guayabero River. The river is also known as the "River of Five Colors" or the "Liquid Rainbow." Over the years, some have said it is one of the most beautiful on the planet. According to National Geographic, the river seems to have originated in "The Garden of Eden." Isn't it incredible? Tell me in the comments section.


9. Giant's Causeway

Although its distinct hexagonal columns appear to be man-made, the Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland was built naturally millions of years ago by volcanic activity. It is one of Northern Ireland's most popular tourist attractions, with over 998,000 tourists in 2019. The Giant's Causeway has been called the United Kingdom's fourth greatest natural wonder. The majority of the columns are hexagonal, but there are some with four, five, seven, or eight sides.


10.Giant Pillar Mountain

Some of the towers are as tall as 4,100 feet and have sandstone peaks that are 300 million years old, serving as inspiration for James Cameron's film "Avatar." Tianzi Mountain is a Chinese mountain. Because of its green stones, Tianzi Mountain was called "Qingyan Mountain." The mountains are quartz sandstone that formed 400 million years ago through erratic rising patterns in the earth's crust, and they were formed after 318 million years of erosion. People travel to this location on a regular schedule.


Nature can manifest itself in any shape or form, and it never ceases to amaze us. Please let me know if you found this blog useful and interesting by leaving a comment. You may also recommend subjects that you think are fascinating and mind-blowing. FEEL FREE.
