40 quotes That speaks reality of today world.

The globe has altered dramatically throughout time. The majority of people deceive themselves, yet reality does not remain disguised for long. Yes, truth is bitter, but it is better; relatively few people are aware of the painful truths about the people, society, and system that surround us.

Here are 40 quotes that speak to the present reality of modern world.

1.      Nothing is forever in this world, not even problems – Charlie Chaplin

2.      Not everyone understands everything, so don’t try to explain everything to everyone. – Nitin namdeo.

3.      Love ain’t trash, people are.

4.      People don’t understand your dream, until you make it happen – me

5.      Society can manipulate your mind,  your goals, your thought. Don’t let society label you. – Me

6.      Welcome to our society. You will be judged on what you wear, your taste in music, what you look like, and how you act.

7.      The distance between dream and reality is called action.

8.      It takes years of honesty to build a relationship and just a lie to break it forever.

9.      Even the word Human being is 75% Humanity quantitavely, but human aren’t even qualitatively.

10. Hard work doesn’t means success.

11. Students who are loved at home come to school to learn students who aren’t, come school to be loved.

12. “Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid. – albert Einstein

13. More Friends Does Not Necessarily Mean MORE FUN.

14. Some people might act as if they are selfless, but do remember that nothing is the same as it looks from its outside.

15. People today don’t invest in Kindness but kinds (things).

16. We are all bad in someone story.

17. Who speaks to you about other, also speaks to other about you.- Imam ali

18. In the world humans are more, humanity is less.

19. Somewhere between laughing out loud and faking a smile we all grew up.

20. Humans can’t end the wars but wars can end humans.

21. Life doesn’t get easier. You have to get tougher.

22. Success doesn’t always means money.

23. In today’s society when money speaks, truth is silent.

24. Education is becoming more of earning than of learning.

25. People never break your heart, expectations and regret do.

26. Sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusion destroy.- fried rich Nietzsche

27. People will love and support you when you are beneficial to them.

28. No one will understand the pain of other until they go through same pain.

29. You cannot change person until person himself decide to change.

30. Straight forward people are more truthful that players who use sugar coated words, but we don’t like them.

31. People don’t like good thoughts, they like good looks.

32. Never share your secrets with friends, they have friends too.

33. Life has no remote you have to get up and change it yourself.

34. Real is rare and fake is everywhere.

35. People settle for less so, they didn’t get the best.

36. Three things cannot be hidden for too long the sun, the moon, and truth.

37. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.

38. If you fall in love with soul before you touch the skin, its true love.

39. Time is free, but is priceless.

40. We are more often frightened than hurt, and we suffer more from imagination then reality.
